Series (I) includes a range of homes designs which are suitable for land which has a gentle rise above street level. The Tullipan Homes Designs within this category are: The Nelson & The Salisbury MK II.
The Design - (Series I)
This design series (I) utilises split slab construction to marry with the slope of your land. In the case of the Salisbury MK II, the slab is formed and pored as two individual slabs. The rear section being elevated 1.35m above the front section. A depended internal concrete edge beam spans the full width of the building from left to right. The front section of the home is then constructed as double storey, with the rear sections comprising of single storey positioned mid way between the two levels or the front position of the house. Raked ceilings placed over these rear single storey living areas then rake up to marry with the ceiling level of the upper storey front section.
The attraction to the Salisbury MK II design is the massive open space created by the open rumpus ceiling line raking down to the rear wall of the building. Open hand rails at the back of the rumpus allowing overlooking from the rumpus to the family room. Another key feature of this design is that the family room flows directly out to the rear yard allowing indoor/outdoor entertaining. Modified versions of this design series can be created by dropping the garage floor and converting to bearer and joist construction and accommodate steeper sloping sites.